Redmond Trading: Bath Salt Giveaway

Are you guys pumped or what? Another giveaway, who doesn’t love free stuff? Don’t get too excited, the whole lot isn’t up for grabs. I do have to review some of their products!

This giveaway will help your overall well-being, is naturally occurring, and is produced right here in the US of A. I want to start by thanking Redmond Trading Co. for treating me like a queen. If you don’t blog, here’s how giveaways work. You write a company, telling them a bit about your site and asking them if you can sample their products. They send you products, you use them, then tell your readers why they need the products as well. I have been wanting to try their Redmond Clay and Real Salt, I was going to be thrilled if I got those, I wasn’t expecting a whole box of goodies. Because I like y’all so much, I am giving some of it away.Β 

Redmond Trading Company

Based out of Utah, this company specializes in Real Salt and Healing Clay. The company sits atop an ancient sea bed, full of naturally occurring salt and clay. Their products revolve around these two simple, natural ingredients. Their motto, “Nature has it right,” is something you know I believe here as well.

Unlike most salt companies, Redmond does not add chemicals or preservatives to their salt. They also don’t process the salt the get the “perfect” white color that regular table salt has. In your Redmond Real Salt you will find flecks of color, red, pink, black, brown. These colors are naturally occurring trace minerals.

Run into the kitchen right now, and read your salt’s label. Do you see any of the following:

sodium bicarbonate
sodium iodine
magnesium oxide
potassium glutamate

Most companies strip the natural minerals from their salt, and then put these chemical additives back in.

What about Sea Salt?

Sea salt is healthy, right? Maybe you have thought about this already, and know the answer. Admittedly, I never thought about the fact that all salt originates from the sea. Anyone with me? Think about it, the ocean, whether the modern-day ocean we can swim in or ancient or dead seas are the only sources of salt.

Any salt, no matter the harvesting process or additives can be called “sea salt”. This, like so many other food terms, has no regulation. We cannot hold the terms that the very company trying to sell the product has deemed true or sufficient to be so.

Himalayan v. Real Salt

Himalayan salt is the pink salt you see on the shelf. Similar to Real Salt, Himalayan salt comes from an ancient salt deposit, one that is free of modern-day toxins unlike commercial salt coming from modern-day oceans. These two are very similar, both containing trace minerals. Himalayan salt is often unrefined, but read your label. Look for one without chemical additives.

The difference between the two: one comes from Utah, the other from Pakistan. Himalayan pink salt has to travel further (depending on where you live I suppose), thus the price may not be as friendly. If you are going to pick any salt to add to your food, choose one of these two.

Speaking of adding it to food, let’s be honest, we don’t use salt to flavor as much as we’d like because it’s “bad for us”, right? No guilt when using Real Salt! Get a hold of some unrefined salt, and really flavor your food. Use more salt than you would normally think to be okay, and see how things taste. Now, don’t go overboard here, too much salt can ruin a lot of dishes, but if you’re grilling steaks, give them a health pinch or two. Real, unrefined salt has the power to bring the best flavor out in your food alone, without the help of anything else.

Giveaway! Giveaway!

Here’s the part you’ll want to perk up for, salt is not just used to bring out flavor in our foods. Salt, when used for soaking, has the potential to detoxify our bodies. Redmond Bath Salt will help you relax, soothe achy muscles, and detoxify your body. If you’ve never done a detox bath before, I would recommend doing it right before bed. You may feel a little light-headed and very relaxed.

I am giving away an 18 ounce Redmond Bath Salt Plus. Here’s how you enter, you can enter two times. The first way, comment on this post telling me why you need these bath salts. Are you stressed from work, kids, school? Do you suffer from sore, achy muscles post-workout? Just wanting to see what detoxing feels like?

The second way, “like” my Facebook page. I will randomly select the winner once we reach 200 likes over on The Ezer Wife. We are quite a ways from 200 right now, I know, so I’m counting on you to tell your friends about my site. If you like what you’ve read here, why not share with your friends? Find your favorite post of mine, be it a recipe, homemade household product, or craft project and tell them about this giveaway (or not!). I am in no rush with this giveaway, did you see all of the stuff I need to try before I write up a review for y’all?

What product of Redmond’s would you love to try?

17 responses to “Redmond Trading: Bath Salt Giveaway

  1. Oh, I need this. πŸ™‚
    Sore muscles (packing 21lb baby around and needing to relax (haven't got much sleep in the past 9 months) are a couple of reasons I would “need” Redmond's Bath Salt Plus!

    I was wondering about alternatives for salt…thanks for the info.


  2. Thanks, Vera! I too have much shoulder pain, I carry my stress there and am always tense. I have found that one our oils, Deep Blue, works great for that. I plan to write a post on that oil blend soon. Stay tuned!


  3. Oh no, Justyn. I'm so sorry. Our neighbor's house is currently be torn up from the inside out because of mold. I'm so glad you guys found it though, and yes, that absolutely qualifies you for a relaxing, detox bath! πŸ™‚


  4. I have Scheuermann's Disease (spine issue with a few vertebra not formed correctly) which causes back pain, some days more pain than other days. Having this would encourage me, to take time for me to soak & care for my muscles & body.


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